We are pleased to bring you a substantial update to “Going Public: A Guide to U.S. IPOs for Founders, Officers, Directors and Other Market Participants,” which provides a complete overview of the U.S. IPO process for these and other market participants.

This edition expands on developments relating to:

  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) trends
  • Direct listings
  • “Testing the waters”
  • Roadshows in the COVID-19 era

This alert memo is adapted from Adam E. Fleisher & Sophie Grais, “Going Public: A Guide to U.S. IPOs for Founders, Officers, Directors and Other Market Participants,” in Financial Product Fundamentals: Law, BusinessCompliance, ch. 1 (Clifford E. Kirsch, ed., 2d ed., 2012 & Supp. 2021) (© 2020 by Practising Law Institute), www.pli.edu.

Please click here to read the full alert memorandum